Boosting our steel production to over 200 tons per week, our new Peddinghaus BDL 1250 – 9D Miter saw can process even the largest beams. In tandem with its matching drill line and layout machine, material can be marked up for fabrication, cut to length, and have holes drilled out for installation, all one machine making it the quickest workflow we’ve ever worked with. With two 10 ton cranes at its disposal, The Peddinghaus trifecta has some massive capability.
Peddinghaus BDL 1250 – 9D Drill and Miter Saw
0 – 60 Degree Miter Cuts
50″ wide x 24″ high beam capacity
Weight Capacity: 43,800lbs
High Speed Carbide Drilling
Laser Guided Measurements to within 1/32″
The Peddinghaus BDL 1250 – 9D works in tandem with the Ocean Liberator Layout and Coping machine. They are connected by a system of conveyors, allowing steel to be loaded onto the saw, cut to size, and have holes drilled in desired locations. The piece can then ride conveyors over to the Liberator where a part can be laid out and coped, all with no material handling by our workers. This setup is very efficient, giving us the ability to process over 200 tons of steel per week.